Reference |
Name | Description | Default Value |
HWND | A handle to the application window. | mandatory |
MajorNum | Application Version Number. | 1 |
MinorNum | Application minor verson number (revision). | 0 |
Language | User language (TWLG_* constant) | TWLG_USA |
Country | User Country (TWCY_* constant) | TWCY_USA |
Info | Information (string). | TWAIN Python Interface 10/02/2002 |
ProductName | Client product name (string) | TWAIN Python Interface |
ProtocolMajor | Protocol Major version (TWON_PROTOCOLMAJOR). | TWON_PROTOCOLMAJOR |
ProtocolMinor | Protocol Minor version (TWON_PROTOCOLMINOR). | TWON_PROTOCOLMINOR |
SupportedGroups | Data Groups supported, i.e. images/audio. | DG_IMAGE | DG_CONTROL |
Manufacturer | Sofware producers. | Kevin Gill |
ProductFamily | Sofware information. | TWAIN Python Interface |
This method returns a single parameter, which is a SourceManger object. On failure it raises the following exceptions:
Exception | Meaning |
excSMLoadFileFailed | The SourceManger DLL TWAIN_32.DLL could not be loaded. This dll should be in your windows directory if TWAIN is installed. Check your software installation for your device. |
excSMGetProcAddressFailed | Could not locate the entry point in the TWAIN_32.DLL. Check to see if you have the right DLL in your windows directory. |
excSMOpenFailed | Could not open the connection to the SourceManager. A return code should be returned in the exc_info. Check this against the TWRC_* constants for detailed information on the error. |
Be aware that there is a risk associated with using this method. Passing incorrect data may result in memory corruption.