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Quick Start (wxPython)

The twain module can only be used in an application with a message loop. This section describes how to use the module in a wxWindows application.

The following source code demonstrates a simple application, which retrieves images from the scanner (or other image source), and displays the images in the form. This program is called and is in the demo directory of the distribution.

To connect to the data source, select File->Connect from the menu. The source manager should give a list of the available data sources. To acquire an image, select File->Acquire from the menu.

Example :

import wx

from simple_base import TwainBase

import traceback, sys


# You can either Poll the TWAIN source, or process the scanned image in an
# event callback. The event callback has not been fully tested using GTK.
# Specifically this does not work with Tkinter.

class MainFrame(wx.Frame, TwainBase):
    """wxPython implementation of the simple demonstration"""
    def __init__(self, parent, id, title):
        wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title,
        wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size(400,300))
        menu = wx.Menu()        
        menu.Append(ID_OPEN_SCANNER, "&Connect", "Connect to the Scanner")
        menu.Append(ID_ACQUIRE_NATIVELY, "Acquire &Natively", "Acquire an Image using Native Transfer Interface")
        menu.Append(ID_ACQUIRE_BY_FILE, "Acquire By &File", "Acquire an Image using File Transfer Interface")
        menu.Append(ID_EXIT, "E&xit", "Terminate the program")
        menuBar = wx.MenuBar()
        menuBar.Append(menu, "&File")

        wx.EVT_MENU(self, ID_EXIT, self.MnuQuit)
        wx.EVT_MENU(self, ID_OPEN_SCANNER, self.MnuOpenScanner)
        wx.EVT_MENU(self, ID_ACQUIRE_NATIVELY, self.MnuAcquireNatively)
        wx.EVT_MENU(self, ID_ACQUIRE_BY_FILE, self.MnuAcquireByFile)
        wx.EVT_CLOSE(self, self.OnClose)

        self.scrolledWindow1 = wx.ScrolledWindow(id = ID_SCROLLEDWINDOW1, name = 'scrolledWindow1', parent = self, pos = wx.Point(0, 0), style = wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL | wx.SUNKEN_BORDER)
        self.bmpImage = wx.StaticBitmap(bitmap = wx.NullBitmap, id = ID_BMPIMAGE, name = 'bmpImage', parent = self.scrolledWindow1, pos = wx.Point(0, 0), style = 0)

        # Print out the exception - requires that you run from the command prompt
        sys.excepthook = traceback.print_exception

        # Initialise the Twain Base Class

        # Polling based example
        if not USE_CALLBACK:
            wx.EVT_TIMER(self, ID_TIMER, self.onIdleTimer)
            self.timer=wx.Timer(self, ID_TIMER)

    def MnuQuit(self, event):

    def OnClose(self, event):
        # Terminate the Twain Base Class

    def MnuOpenScanner(self, event):
        self.OpenScanner(self.GetHandle(), ProductName="Simple wxPython Demo", UseCallback=USE_CALLBACK)

    def MnuAcquireNatively(self, event):
        return self.AcquireNatively()

    def MnuAcquireByFile(self, event):
        return self.AcquireByFile()

    def DisplayImage(self, ImageFileName):
        bmp = wx.Image(ImageFileName, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_BMP).ConvertToBitmap()
        self.scrolledWindow1.maxWidth = bmp.GetWidth()
        self.scrolledWindow1.maxHeight = bmp.GetHeight()
        self.scrolledWindow1.SetScrollbars(20, 20, bmp.GetWidth()/20, bmp.GetHeight()/20)

    def LogMessage(self, message):
        # Set the title on the main window - used for tracing

    def onIdleTimer(self, event=None):
        """This is a polling mechanism. Get the image without relying on the callback."""

class SimpleApp(wx.App):
    def OnInit(self):
        frame = MainFrame(None, -1, "Simple TWAIN Demo")
        return 1


Step 1 - MnuOpenScanner

The MnuOpenScanner calls the TwainBase OpenScanner method. The paramaters are the windows handle for the main window, the name of this application and a flag to indicate whether we are using callbacks are polling.

The TWAIN protocol uses the client's windows message queue to perform communication. To access the message queue, the clients window handle is always passed to the SourceManager constructor. The window handle is retrieved using the wxPython GetHandle call.

Step 2 - MnuAcquireNatively, MnuAcquireByFile

When the client application wants to acquire a document from the scanner, it makes a request to the scanner to acquire the document. There are two transfer mechanisms, transfer by file or transfer natively.

There are implementation problems with some scanners which may make one of the mechanisms inoperable or unreliable.

Step 3 - DisplayImage

This is a simple method to display the image on the screen. The base class ProcessXfer method has done all of the heavy lifting.

Step 4 - MnuQuit

The TWAIN software interfaces to your window message queue. If you close your window without deleting the Source Manager object, the TWAIN software may attempt to write messages to a deleted queue. This may cause your program to hang when it attempts to exit.

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